Miền Nam 0931219 888 - Miền Bắc 0939761 888
The D & D RAC1524A mini air compressor is a compact, lightweight , home- built compressor that is easy to move.
The machine is manufactured by German technology so you can be completely assured of quality. At the same time, the factory is located in Vietnam making the machine price drop in accordance with the price used in the family.
The mini D & D RAC1524A mini pump is intended for export chính, considering its quality is unquestionable .
This is an oil compressor so there is a problem that the noise level of the machine is quite large 94dB, much higher than the airless oil compressor. Therefore, the machine is not suitable for low environment noise. In addition, the air out of the machine is slightly oil, so you should not use the machine in the food and medical industry, where the need for clean air.
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